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Cookie Policy

Last Updated: July, 2021

realvr.com (the “Website”), like most websites on the Internet, uses cookies to improve the user experience. Below you will find information on what cookies are, what type of cookies this Website uses, and how you can disable cookies. If you do not find the specific information you are looking for, please contact us at [email protected].

What’s a cookie?

Cookies are small quantities of information stored on the browser of each user so that server may subsequently recall certain information that may only be read by the server implementing it. Cookies are commonly used to store usernames and/or passwords to facilitate access to a website. Cookies can also be used to store user preferences, login dates and times, and content viewing history, up to the point, as the case may be, of being able to recognize you.

The Website, like most websites on the Internet, uses cookies to improve the user experience. In this page you will find information on what type of cookies we use and how you can disable cookies. Please note that cookies are normally of a limited duration. If you need any additional information, we invite you to contact us at [email protected].

How do we use cookies?

Browsing this Website means that the following types of cookies can be installed depending on how long they last on your device:

  • Technical Cookies: are those that allow the user to navigate through the Website, and are used to allow its management and operation, or to know whether or not the user has granted his/her consent for the installation of cookies, etc.
  • Performance improvement cookies: this type of cookie preserves your preferences for certain tools or services so that you do not have to reconfigure them each time you visit our Website and, in some cases, they may be provided by third parties. Examples include: volume of media players, item ordering preferences, or supported video playback speeds.
  • Personalization cookies: are those that remember the user's preferences such as information about language selection, recognition of the settings in the use of the Website, etc.
  • Statistical analysis cookies: these are cookies that, whether processed by us or by third parties, make it possible to quantify the number of visitors and to statistically analyze the use made of our services by users. Thanks to this we can study the navigation of our Website, and thus improve the range of products and/or services offered.
  • Registration cookies: when you register on our Website, there are cookies that may identify you as a registered user and indicate when you have identified yourself on the Website. These cookies are used to identify your user account and associated services. These cookies are maintained as long as you do not sign out of the account, close the browser or turn off the device. These cookies can be used in combination with analytical data to individually identify your preferences on our Website.
  • Advertising cookies: these are cookies that, either processed by us or by third parties, allow us to effectively manage the advertising spaces on our Website, adjusting the content of the ad to the content of the service requested or the use you make of our Website. These cookies also allow us to measure the delivery and effectiveness of the ads, identify which ads have already been shown, how often they have been shown, when and where they have been shown and whether any action has been taken in relation to them, including, for example, clicking on an ad or making a purchase. They enable us to learn about your Internet browsing habits and show you advertising related to your browsing profile. Without this type of cookie, advertising will continue to be sent, but it will be generic and not related to your interests.
  • Other third-party cookies: some of our pages may have third party cookies installed to manage and improve the services they offer.

What cookies do we use?

The Website uses both own and third-party cookies, which according to their purpose are as follows:

Name Origin Category Purpose and duration
remember_me https://realvr.com/ Functional Authentication purposes. 2 weeks.
showFullScreenOffer https://realvr.com/ Functional Used to show or not an upsell offer. 3 days.
showFullScreenReenable https://realvr.com/ Functional Used to show or not the reenable popup. 3 days.
testUser https://realvr.com/ Functional Used internally to know if it is a test user based on the ip. 1 year.
backofferHasStarted https://realvr.com/ Functional Used to control the backoffer flow on the join page. 10 minutes.
backofferPercentage https://realvr.com/ Functional Used to save the percentage off that is going to be shown to the user on the backoffer. 10 minutes.
specialbo https://realvr.com/ Functional Used to control the special backoffer flow. 10 minutes.
hasSeen_specialbo https://realvr.com/ Functional Used to control if the user has seen special backoffer. 10 minutes.
shownWebVrNotice https://realvr.com/ Functional Used to control web vr notice flow. 1 year.
networkMembershipPanel https://realvr.com/ Functional Used to tooggle network membership panel. 1 year.
deviceListPanel https://realvr.com/ Functional Used to handle the device list dismiss. 1 year.
oculusWarning https://realvr.com/ Functional Used to control when the oculus warning is shown. 1 year.
googlesNotification https://realvr.com/ Functional Used to hide googles notification. 1 year.
_ga https://realvr.com/ Analytical Google Analytics identifier. 2 years.
_gat https://realvr.com/ Analytical Google Analytics statistics purpose. 1 minute.
_gid https://realvr.com/ Analytical Google Analytics campaign information. 1 day.
_uetsid https://realvr.com/ Targeting/Advertising Used by Bing to determine what ads should be shown that may be relevant to the end user perusing the site. 1 day.
_uetvid https://realvr.com/ Targeting/Advertising Used by Bing to allow us to engage with a user that has previously visited our website. 1 year.
affsubid https://realvr.com/ Functional Used to save the affiliate id and sub id of the user. 1 year.
bdvisit https://realvr.com/ Functional Used to save the affiliate id of the user. 1 year.
legal_age https://realvr.com/ Functional It is set after user accepts +18 popup so that it’s not shown any more. 1 year.
PRAsupport https://realvr.com/ Functional Used to track the payment requests result. 1 hour.
tour https://realvr.com/ Functional Used to save the tour id of the user. 1 year.
tour_hit https://realvr.com/ Functional Used to track all the tour hits: tour, id, affiliate id, type (go, landing, prejoin) and sub id. 1 day.
AWSALB https://realvr.com/ Functional Inserted by Amazon ELB Application Load Balancer in the first request to let the next request stick to the same target node (EC2 instance). 7 days.
AWSALBCORS https://realvr.com/ Functional Same as AWSALB with an explicit SameSite attribute set because of changes made from Chrome 80 days and upwards. 7 days.
PHPSESSID https://realvr.com/ Analytical User session id. Session.

Who are the recipients of the information? Where are they located?

The information collected through cookies may be used both by the Website and by third-party collaborating companies, such as operators and agents involved in advertising networks and/or advertisers, for the purposes described in the previous section.

Some of these third parties may be located in third countries whose legislation does not offer a level of data protection equivalent to that of Europe; however, you can consult the appropriate guarantees they offer to ensure that international transfers of data are carried out taking into account the rights and freedoms of the data subjects.

You can find out more about these third parties, as well as the types of cookies they install, the purposes for which they process the data, the guarantees they offer for international transfers, the retention periods, and how your preferences can be configured with respect to them, through the privacy policies available from these third-parties. We are not liable for the accuracy and content of the privacy policies offered by these partners on their websites.

We also may share aggregated or anonymized information which cannot be reasonably used to identify you in order to gather data to enhance and design our Website.

Neither the Website nor its legal representatives are responsible for the contents or the veracity of the privacy policies that the above mentioned third parties may have. Please note that web browsers are the ones responsible for storing cookies and they should be contacted by users in order to exercise their rights to delete or disable those. Therefore, neither this Website nor its legal representatives can ensure the proper handling of cookies by any of the referred browsers. Last but not least, please note that, in some instances, it is necessary to install some cookies so that the browser can remember – if applicable – the user’s decision not to accept them.

How can I set my preferences?

You can allow, block or delete cookies installed on your computer by setting your Internet browser options. If you block them, certain services that require their use may not be available to you. Below are links to information on how you can activate your preferences in the major browsers:

If you wish to contact us regarding our cookies, please contact us at [email protected].

Additional Information

If you wish to contact us regarding our cookie policy, you may do so at [email protected]. You may write to exercise your rights of access, rectification or deletion, limitation of processing, opposition, to the portability of the data or not to be subject to a decision based solely on the automated processing, as well as to withdraw your consent.

Notwithstanding the above, to the extent that the information processed is related solely to codes or unique identifiers of devices or browsers used by the User, and is not related to data that identify the User directly, the above rights will not be applicable unless the User provides additional information that allows identification (such as Cookie ID).

If you wish to know additional information about the processing of your data, please consult the Privacy Policy.

Changes to this Cookies Policy

We can modify this Cookies Policy both in order to include new legislative or regulatory requirements, and also in order to adapt the policy to the instructions issued by the applicable data protection authorities. Please note that, in the event of significant changes being applied, we will inform our user in due course through an appropriate notice on the Website.